Psychiatry with Soul

Psychiatry with Soul

Approach and Services

Soul-centred Services & Approach

Maureen is now retired, but still offers non-medical, drug-free, shamanic & depth psychotherapy for . . .

* Schizophrenia & Acute Psychospiritual Crises

* Jungian Therapy & Dreamwork

* Personal & Psychospiritual Development

* Shamanic Soul Retrieval & Distance Energy Work 

For further information:


Phone [Australia] + 61 497573082

Message us at

What is Soul-centred Psychotherapy?

As a ‘wounded healer’, Maureen recognizes that suffering is unavoidable and that experiences of soul loss, depression, psychosis, stress, anxiety and suicidal urges are part of the full spectrum of what it means to be fully alive and human. 

In place of a disempowering ‘mental illness’ model, Maureen uses a more hopeful and empowering ‘crisis resolution’ approach. Instead of viewing human distress as a ‘sickness’ requiring ‘treatment’, Maureen de-medicalises normal life problems and views them as personal crises that can lead to transformation and renewal. 

Therapy is, in this soul-centred context, not ‘cure’ but rather an honouring of soul’s need for depth, wandering, meaning and wounding, a heart-centred relationship in which the therapist is a midwife, safe haven and empathic guide. Patients are treated with kindness, non-judgmental acceptance and respect - and as equal partners in a ‘shared soul journey’.

Soul-centred psychotherapy is based on an understanding of the conflict (‘dis-ease’) and need for restored harmony between the opposite energies within both body and soul. The key to crisis resolution lies in the unique personal story; the cause of symptoms (e.g. depression, lost time, psychosis, anxiety) needs to be gently unearthed by exploring each person’s personal journey, which holds the key to individual transformation. Acute crises (including schizophrenia) can be ‘breakdowns’ which lead to ‘breakthroughs’, new creative potential, energy and personal growth.

Dr Roberts teaches self-help skills, supports and educates carers and uses a broad range of therapies, including Jungian dream analysis and art therapy, guided visualisation and meditation, nutritional medicine, shamanic diagnosis and soul retrieval, divination, ritual, and drum healing.

An initial consultation focuses on the personal story and on unearthing the original crisis and/or physical problem that may be contributing to the psyche’s distress, or symptoms of ‘dis-ease’. The approach is compassionate, empathic and wholistic, that is, physical and psychospiritual are equally valued and nurtured as two ‘mirroring’ halves of the whole person. 

As an added note, psychiatry as the ‘art of healing the soul’ is practically nonexistent in the public ‘mental health’ arena, where the ‘care of soul’ is no longer its focus. Since there is (therefore) growing public anger at and discontent with mainstream psychiatry - which is based on prescribing toxic drugs for invented ‘mental disorders’ and unprovable brain defects - there is an urgent need for a renewed, or ‘re-visioned’ understanding and practice of psychiatry as ‘soul medicine’. 

© 2021 Maureen B. Roberts, PhD


Information on this website should not be mistaken for specific advice about individual problems. Dr Roberts accepts no responsibility for the application of her approach, views and attendant information without the support and advice of a suitably qualified non-biopsychiatric practitioner.

Copyright © Psychiatry With Soul 2023

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